welcome to my website where i tell it like it is and i dont hold back i am chad mctruth and i am a patriot a warrior a hero who is fighting against the deep state and the FAKE news media and all the other forces that are trying to take down our great country i mean can you believe it the way theyre trying to control us and take away our freedom its absurd and its a total disgrace the way theyre trying to silence me and shut me down just because i speak the truth but i wont be silenced i wont be shut down i will keep speaking out i will keep telling the truth and i will never back down because i am a champion of freedom and i will do whatever it takes to expose the truth and i say to all the people out there who are tired of being lied to and tired of being controlled you are not alone we are in this together and we will fight for our rights and our freedom we will not be silenced we will not be censored we will rise up and we will take back our country heres what i believe
the deep state is real and its trying to control us the FAKE news media is a total joke and theyre just trying to brainwash us our country is being taken over by liberals and democrats who dont care about us we need to stand up and fight for our rights and our freedom trump is a hero and a champion of freedom and we need to support him
heres what i need
heres how you can help
remember we are in this together and we will fight for our rights and our freedom we will not be silenced we will not be censored we will rise up and we will take back our country and i will keep saying it until someone listens thank you for visiting my website and i hope you will join me in this fight for freedom